Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Principles to promote and protect the human rights of international students

Australian Human Rights Commission
The Race Discrimination Commissioner, Dr Helen Szoke, launched the Principles to promote and protect the human rights of international students at the Australian International Education Conference on 4 October 2012. You can read the Commissioner's launch speech here.
The implementation of these high-level, human rights-based Principles will enhance the safety and well-being of international students in Australia. The Race Discrimination Commissioner encourages all those working with international students to consider how these can be effectively adopted and implemented in the ongoing development of policies and services relating to international students.
Broadly, the Principles can be used:
  • as a guide for all organisations and government agencies that provide services to international students
  • to inform the ongoing development of policies and services relating to international students, and
  • to provide international students and their representative bodies with a guide on how their human rights can be better promoted and protected, to support their advocacy with governments, service providers and other agencies.
Full Story: http://www.hreoc.gov.au/racial_discrimination/international_students.html

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