Tuesday, August 28, 2012

The affirmative action debate

Los Angeles Times
Does affirmative action violate the 14th Amendment's equal protection clause? That depends on whether one believes that the clause is "color-blind."

Responding to The Times' Aug. 16 editorial "Affirming affirmative action," reader E.G. Rice wrote:
"The 14th Amendment requires each state to provide equal protection under the law to all citizens. The 1964 Civil Rights Act outlawed most forms of discrimination. Affirmative action subjects applicants to different standards based on their race or gender, which makes it unconstitutional.
"In the 2003 ruling that upheld affirmative action, Justice Sandra Day O'Connor suggested that the policy should end within 25 years. What other sound, constructive government policies can you think of that should end in 25 years? And how should we compensate the male, white and Asian Americans who have been robbed of opportunity by this un-American policy?"
Editorial writer Michael McGough responds:

Full Story: http://www.latimes.com/news/opinion/letters/la-le-0825-postscript-affirmative-action-20120825,0,2925852.story

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