Monday, July 4, 2011

New Voice for Asian Students

Inside Higher Ed
June 28, 2011

WASHINGTON -- As they explained why they were forming a new association for colleges that serve Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) students, higher education officials at a news briefing Monday cited themes they’ve discussed many times over. They lamented how this specialized population is growing faster than any other and yet lacks institutional support; how Asian students’ geographic region of origin can be a significant predictor of what type of college they’ll attend and whether they’ll succeed; and how the general public continues to wrongly believe that Asian students -- the “model minority” -- excel in all aspects in college.
Of course, because many people do brush aside the obstacles Asian students face, conversations about these issues have often fallen on deaf ears. The Asian Pacific Islander American Association of Colleges and Universities, which formally launched at Monday’s briefing, hopes to change that.

Full Story:

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