Tuesday, October 27, 2009

HR Group Hails E-Verify Extension as Steppingstone to Something Better

Workforce Management
October 21, 2009

An organization that has criticized a government-run electronic employment verification system hailed Senate approval of a bill that would keep it operating for three more years.
The HR Initiative for a Legal Workforce views the extension contained in a $42.8 billion homeland security funding bill approved by the Senate, 79-19, on Tuesday, October 20, as a bridge to a better mechanism. The House passed the homeland bill October 15, 307-114.
Congress chose to keep the system, called E-Verify, in place while it decides how and when to tackle comprehensive immigration reform. The mechanism, which checks employee information from I-9 forms against Social Security and homeland security databases, is used by more than 148,000 employers.
Business groups have hammered E-Verify for being inefficient, ineffective and unable to detect identity theft. They say that mistakes in government records could cause hundreds of thousands of legal workers to be declared ineligible.
The Obama administration has made E-Verify the centerpiece of its workplace enforcement strategy, just as the Bush administration did. The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services maintains that E-Verify confirms within 24 hours nearly 97 percent of employment queries.
The homeland measure allocates $137 million to improve E-Verify’s accuracy and compliance rates and $135 million for Immigration and Customs Enforcement to hire special agents for workplace immigration audits.
The HR Initiative, which is led by the Society for Human Resource Management, said the E-Verify extension is a good placeholder while Congress considers alternatives to the system.

Full Story: http://www.workforce.com/section/00/article/26/74/70.php

1 comment:

Brittanicus said...

As I perceive it the hardest place to install E-Verify, 287 G, or even directing ICE to raid employers is anti-sovereignty Sanctuary Cities and even States? CALIFORNIA seems to be the epitome of Sanctuary States, but it is estimated to be 127 cities and towns that ignore the US government. San Francisco and Los Angeles stands out as being Sanctuary cities where it's mayors Galvin Newsom and Antonio R. Villaraigosa have cultivated over the years a refuge for the impoverished illegal immigrants, illegal criminals of other countries. Massive benefits for illegal alien families have escalated in California, bring upon the state an ever growing budget meltdown and near bankruptcy. Very few businesses have enforced E-Verify, because at this time there is no mandatory law, except for federal contractors/subcontractors. Sen. Sessions R-AL, has been the fortress against illegal immigration through the Bush and now President Obama administrations. He is determined to adjoin E-Verify as a permanent amendment to the Senate Unemployment benefit extension bill H.R.3548 for 14 weeks. In the same amendment Sen. Sessions would require new applicants for unemployment compensation to have their citizenship status verified using E-Verify.

Senate leaders are currently negotiating which amendments will be considered for the bill, and obnoxious Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) is trying to prevent a vote on the amendment altogether. E-Verify is becoming a significant potent weapon against illegal immigration in the ongoing battle. It has come under constant legal bombardment by a long list of open border organizations, including the US chamber of Commerce. E-Verify however remains intact, although other enforcement tools such as 287 G, has been weakened by Homeland Security chief Janet Napolitano. Without millions of dollars being appropriated, E-Verify on a continuous basis can eradicate illegal labor for pennies. No need for mass deportation as E-Verify will streamline removal of foreign nationals by their own free will. Parasite businesses are now incessant fear of being fined or sentenced to a prison term if apprehended by ICE for using illegal workers.

Ordinary American workers have become watchdogs for suspicious activity in the working environment. My blogs, comments and articles are limited in information, but its to keep this issue under public scrutiny. For more details of malevolent politicians who need to be constantly reminded who they work for? For immigration enforcement grading, true raw statistics NUMBERSUSA. To light a fire under nonchalant politicians who are selling American workers futures to highest bidder, contact WASHINGTON at 202-224-3121 As easily as you voted for these people, you can vote them OUT? Demand NO--MORE--AMNESTIES. Rebuild a two-tier Southern border fence as originally intended. TELL THEM YOU WANT PERMANENT E-VERIFY FOR EVERY WORKER, WHO’S ON A PAYROLL AND THEREFORE STAND WITH SEN. SESSIONS. Study the corruption in every level of government at JUDICIAL WATCH. Read about unstoppable OVERPOPULATION GROWTH at CAPSWEB. Read the list of legislators who are trying to push through another path to citizenship--alias AMNESTY at http://tinyurl.com/CIR-letter-to-POTUS. THESE CONGRESSMAN/ WOMEN WANT TO STEAL YOUR JOB AND GIVE IT TO ILLEGAL ALIENS? KEEP THEM IMPRINTED IN YOUR MEMORY AND UNSEAT THEM WHEN THEY COME FORWARD FOR RE-ELECTION.