Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Register for the Next AAAA Webinar:"Demystifying Compensation Analysis"

Register for the Next AAAA Webinar:"Demystifying Compensation Analysis"
Thursday, March 12, 2009

The passage of the 2009 Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act and other pending pay equity legislation increases virtually every organization's risk of regulatory and legal challenges to its pay-setting decisions. Consequently, now, more than ever before, employers need to prepare to defend the outcomes of their compensation systems. Labor economists with extensive experience in compensation analysis guide you through the fundamental principles of pay equity analysis using real world illustrations. Drs. Baker, Thornton and Amidon will introduce you to the preliminary methods used by regulatory auditors to identify contractors whose data may show patterns adverse to various demographic groups. You will become familiar with the concept of multiple regression analysis, the most common method of measuring the magnitude and statistical significance level of differences between the pay rates of similarly situated demographic groups. You will learn how to:
structure competent compensation regression analyses, including guidance for the creation of appropriate employee groupings;
measure factors that influence pay;
interpret the results of compensation models;
evaluate the meaningfulness of the model; and
identify employees whose pay rates have a substantial impact on the statistical outcome.
In addition, the labor economists will discuss pay policies and practices that have given rise to pay disparities in university and other settings.

To register, go to: https://www.regonline.com/63369_702490F
For more information, contact 800-252-8592 or email pdti@affirmativeaction.org.

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