Showing posts with label underrepresented minority students. Show all posts
Showing posts with label underrepresented minority students. Show all posts

Monday, February 22, 2016

First-semester GPA a better predictor of college success than ACT score

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

CHAMPAIGN, Ill. -- Underrepresented students' first-semester GPA may be a better predictor of whether they'll graduate college than their ACT score or their family's socioeconomic status, a new study found.

Read the story here.

Monday, October 4, 2010

U.S. Must Involve Underrepresented Minorities in Science and Engineering

News from the National Academies
U.S. Must Involve Underrepresented Minorities in Science and Engineering
To Maintain Competitive Edge

Sept. 30, 2010 -- National efforts to strengthen U.S. science and engineering must include all Americans, especially minorities, who are the fastest growing groups of the U.S. population but the most underrepresented in science and technology careers, says a new report from the National Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Engineering, and Institute of Medicine. Minority participation in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education at all levels should be an urgent national priority, says the report, which offers a comprehensive road map for increasing involvement of underrepresented minorities and improving the quality of their education.

"It's well-documented that the United States needs a strong science and technology work force to maintain global leadership and competitiveness," said Freeman Hrabowski III, chair of the committee that wrote the report and president of the University of Maryland, Baltimore County. "The minds and talents of underrepresented minorities are a great, untapped resource that the nation can no longer afford to squander. Improving STEM education of our diverse citizenry will strengthen the science and engineering work force and boost the U.S. economy."

The U.S. labor market is projected to grow faster in science and engineering than in any other sector in the coming years. However, non-U.S. citizens, particularly those from India and China, have accounted for almost all growth in STEM doctorates awarded, and a number of science and engineering disciplines are heavily populated by international students. Relying on these students to fulfill U.S. science and technology needs is becoming "increasingly uncertain" for many reasons, the congressionally mandated report says, including stricter visa requirements and the possibility that students will return to their countries of origin after completing their education.

Underrepresented minorities -- including African Americans, Hispanics, and Native Americans -- comprised just over 9 percent of minority college-educated Americans in science and engineering occupations in 2006, the report notes. This number would need to triple to match the share of minorities in the U.S. population. And to reach a national target that 10 percent of all 24-year-olds hold an undergraduate degree in science or engineering disciplines, the number of underrepresented minorities would need to quadruple or even quintuple.

The report's recommendations build upon Rising Above the Gathering Storm, a landmark 2005 publication from the National Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Engineering, and Institute of Medicine that urged improvements in STEM education at all levels as part of a larger plan to sustain U.S. scientific and technological leadership. To be successful, the new report says, these efforts must include an ongoing, comprehensive approach to encourage underrepresented minorities to pursue science and engineering degrees. In the short term, the nation should work to double the number of those who receive undergraduate STEM degrees, a goal that is "a reasonable and attainable down payment on a longer-term effort to achieve greater parity overall." Studies show that minorities major in STEM at the same rate as do other groups but are more likely not to complete degrees or to change majors.

To reach this goal, higher education institutions should create programs that provide underrepresented minority students in STEM with strong financial, academic, and social support. Financial support will allow them to complete their degrees and better prepare for the work force or graduate school. The committee estimated that such programs would cost approximately $150 million annually, eventually rising to about $600 million per year as more students are included.

In addition, K-12 STEM teachers need better preparation, and high school programs should emphasize college readiness, the report says. Few students who require remedial courses beyond high school complete undergraduate degrees in STEM, the report says. Secondary school programs that guarantee students have access to advanced courses and proper academic advising would ensure underrepresented minorities are fully prepared for college and improve graduation rates. The federal government, industry, and post-secondary institutions should work collaboratively with K-12 schools and school systems to increase minority access to and demand for post-secondary STEM education and technical training.

Long-term actions recommended in the report include offering stronger programs that develop reading, mathematics skills, and creativity in preschool through third grade, and improving the quality of K-12 mathematics and science education for underrepresented minorities.

The challenge of increasing underrepresented minority participation and success in STEM is so substantial that it requires commitment from every type and size of learning institution -- from community colleges to large state schools, and from predominantly white institutions to those that historically serve minorities, the report says. All of these institutions should be held accountable, and efforts should focus not only on increasing the number of minorities in STEM but also on the quality of the education they receive.

Leadership is key to successful implementation of minority recruitment and retention programs and is required from all stakeholders, including government agencies, employers, and professional societies. At institutions of higher education, regents, trustees, presidents, provosts, deans, and department chairs must make minority participation a commitment both in the institutional mission and in everyday affairs. In addition, leaders must be more aggressive in ensuring that underrepresented minority teachers, faculty, and administrators are able to serve as role models and leaders.

The study was sponsored by NASA, the National Institutes of Health, the National Science Foundation, the Carnegie Corporation of New York, and the Otto Haas Charitable Trust #2. The National Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Engineering, Institute of Medicine, and National Research Council make up the National Academies. They are private, nonprofit institutions that provide science, technology, and health policy advice under a congressional charter. A committee roster follows.

Copies of Expanding Minority Participation: America's Science and Technology Talent at the Crossroads are available from the National Academies Press; tel. 202-334-3313 or 1-800-624-6242 or on the Internet at Reporters may obtain a copy from the Office of News and Public Information (contacts listed below). In addition, a podcast of the public briefing held to release this report is available at

Contacts: Sara Frueh, Media Relations Officer
Molly Galvin, Senior Media Relations Officer
Luwam Yeibio, Media Relations Assistant
Office of News and Public Information
202-334-2138; e-mail

# # #

[ This news release and report are available at ]


Committee on Science, Engineering, and Public Policy

Committee on U.S. Competitiveness: Underrepresented Groups and the Expansion of the Science and Engineering Workforce Pipeline
Freeman A. Hrabowski III (chair)PresidentUniversity of Maryland, Baltimore CountyBaltimoreJames H. AmmonsPresidentFlorida Agricultural and Mechanical UniversityTallahasseeSandra Begay-CampbellPrincipal Member of the Technical StaffSandia National LaboratoriesAlbuquerque, N.M.Beatriz Chu ClewellPrincipal Research AssociateEducation Policy CenterThe Urban InstituteWashington, D.C. Nancy S. GrasmickState Superintendent of SchoolsMaryland State Department of EducationBaltimore

Carlos G. GutierrezProfessor of Chemistry and BiochemistryCalifornia State UniversityLos Angeles

Evelynn M. HammondsDeanHarvard CollegeCambridge, Mass.Wesley L. Harris 1Charles Stark Draper Professor of Aeronautics and Astronautics and, Associate ProvostMassachusetts Institute of TechnologyCambridge

Sylvia HurtadoProfessor and DirectorHigher Education Research InstituteUniversity of CaliforniaLos AngelesJames S. Jackson 2DirectorInstitute for Social Research, and Daniel Katz Distinguished University Professor of PsychologyUniversity of MichiganAnn ArborShirley M. McBayPresidentQuality Education for Minorities NetworkWashington, D.C.
Diana S. Natalicio
University of Texas
El PasoJohn C. NemethIAT Project Principal and Vice PresidentOak Ridge Associated UniversitiesOak Ridge, Tenn. Eduardo J. PadronPresidentMiami-Dade CollegeMiamiWillie Pearson Jr.Professor and ChairSchool of History, Technology, and SocietyGeorgia Institute of TechnologyAtlantaSidney A. RibeauPresidentHoward UniversityWashington, D.C.

John B. Slaughter 1Professor of Education and EngineeringUniversity of Southern CaliforniaLos AngelesRichard A. Tapia 1University Professor and Maxfield-Oshman Professor in EngineeringRice UniversityHoustonLydia Villa-KomaroffChief Scientific Officer Cytonome Inc.BostonLinda Sue WarnerPresidentHaskell Indian Nations UniversityLawrence, Kan.


Peter Henderson
Co-Study Director

Earnestine Psalmonds
Co-Study Director

1 Member, National Academy of Engineering2 Member, Institute of Medicine

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Flagships Increase Aid for the Poorest Students, but Not Enough, Report Says

The Chronicle of Higher Education
January 14, 2010
By Beckie Supiano

Public flagship universities are failing to enroll enough low-income or underrepresented-minority students while directing much of their financial aid toward wealthier students, according to a report released Wednesday by the Education Trust.
The report, "Opportunity Adrift: Our Flagship Universities Are Straying From Their Public Mission," is a follow-up to "Engines of Inequality: Diminishing Equity in the Nation's Premier Public Universities," which the research and advocacy group released in 2006.
The new report looks at the distribution of financial aid to full-time, dependent undergraduates at public research-extensive universities, a category that includes but is not limited to the public flagships. Among students who received grants from their colleges, students in the bottom income quintile (in 2007, that would include families making $30,200 or less) were given an average of $4,910 in 2007, compared with $3,982 in 2003 ( measured in 2007 dollars), an increase of 23 percent. Students in the top income group received $4,158 compared with $4,342 in 2003, a decrease of 4 percent.
Despite making gains in institutional aid, the poorest students had an average of $10,445 in unmet need after all college, state, and federal grants were taken into account. The students would have to come up with that money through the Federal Work Study program, other work, and loans. The wealthiest group of students did not, on average, need any grant aid to cover the cost of college at these universities, but still received average grants of $2,025 from all sources.

Full Story: