Showing posts with label military. Show all posts
Showing posts with label military. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

For military women, equal opportunity, equal obligation

Equal opportunity requires more than a formal change in policy, and challenges remain.

USA Today

Defense Secretary Ashton Carter’s historic decision this month to throw open all combat jobs to women marked both the fall of a discriminatory barrier and the recognition of reality.

Read the story here.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Diversity Key Part of Military’s Marching Orders

Ny Autumn A. Arnett, Diverse Issues in Higher Education

Defense Secretary Ashton Carter recently emphasized the importance of diversity in the military, saying, “ … We must start from a position of inclusivity, not exclusivity. Anything less is not just wrong — it’s bad defense policy, and it puts our future strength at risk.

“ … It takes decades to grow our senior military leaders, and today, we can’t afford to close ourselves off to anyone,” Carter continued in a June Pentagon speech. “As we remind ourselves how diversity and inclusion help make us stronger, we must also remember another reason why they’re important: because they’re part of our national character.”

Read the story here.