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Showing posts with label labor. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

AAAA Mourns Passing of Augustus F. Hawkins

“Champion of Education and Equal Employment Opportunity”

The American Association for Affirmative Action (AAAA), a national membership organization of equal employment opportunity (EEO), affirmative action and diversity specialists, mourns the passing of Augustus F. Hawkins, former member of the U.S. House of Representatives and the California State Legislature. “Augustus ‘Gus’ Hawkins, who served in the legislative branch for more than half a century, was the original ‘Drum Major for Justice,’” said AAAA President ReNee Dunman. “He was a trailblazer, serving as the first African American in the California Legislature and the second African American to chair the important US House Committee on Education and Labor.” In the Congress, Hawkins was the co-author of the Humphrey Hawkins bill and co-sponsored the equal employment provisions of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. This legislation established the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. “Congressman Hawkins lived a life of leadership and service and advanced the principle of equal opportunity throughout his illustrious career,” Ms. Dunman added.

During the 1980s, Rep. Hawkins helped to defend affirmative action when the former Attorney General attempted to end it. “When Rep. Hawkins disagreed with an administration, he did so in a manner that was gracious and respectful,” said Shirley J. Wilcher, AAAA executive director and former staffer to the Hawkins committee. “He knew how to disagree without being disagreeable.” Hawkins co-founded the Congressional Black Caucus in 1971. When he retired in 1990, he served as director of the Hawkins Family Memorial Foundation of Educational Research and Development. Mr. Hawkins believed in equal education opportunity and dedicated his life to achieve it,” added Wilcher. Representative Hawkins understood that the doors of opportunity must be kept open for all. Augustus F. Hawkins was 100 years old when he passed on Saturday, November 10, 2007. “AAAA will miss Representative Hawkins’ gentlemanly leadership and steadfastness in the face of adversity and prejudice. His was truly a life well-lived,” said Ms. Dunman.

Founded in 1974, the American Association for Affirmation Action (AAAA) is a national not-for-profit association of professionals working in the areas of affirmative action, equal opportunity, and diversity. AAAA helps its members to be more successful and productive in their careers. It also promotes understanding and advocacy of affirmative action to enhance access and equality in employment, economic and educational opportunities.