Showing posts with label dormitory for disabled students. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dormitory for disabled students. Show all posts

Thursday, August 19, 2010

U. of I. opens state-of-the-art dorm for students with disabilities

Chicago Tribune
By Jodi S. Cohen, Tribune reporter
10:05 p.m. CDT, August 18, 2010

Facility marks new milestone for university, already a leader in disability services

CHAMPAIGN — With very limited use of her arms and legs, Kelsey Rozema has needed her parents' help with most daily tasks — getting out of bed, showering, putting on a coat and even opening a water bottle. In 18 years, they've been apart for only six nights.
So moving into a college dorm this week — and away from the reliance on her family — is even more of a milestone for Rozema than for the thousands of other wide-eyed freshmen arriving this week at the University of Illinois, a ritual that will be repeated on college campuses throughout the country in coming weeks.

Full Story:,0,796860.story