By Sydney Wilmer Published Feb. 18, 2010. 697 views
Sophomore Angel Abbott follows the same route to class each morning. First she waits for an elevator to take her to the lobby of Lewis. She heads out the double doors, up 24th Avenue, then cuts through the Bramscomb Quad parking lot.
But Abbott doesn’t follow this exact route by choice; it’s simply the only accessible way to class. Abbott is disabled and confined to her wheelchair.
“The campus looks a lot more accessible than it is,” Abbott said. “A lot of people don’t realize the problems unless they go around with me on the campus where there are curves and see detours I have to take.”
Abbott said she worked with both Plant Operations and the Office of Equal Opportunities, Affirmative Action and Disability Services this spring to make a number of adjustments. Even still, limited entrances to buildings, curb-cuts and small spaces are obstacles she must traverse each day.
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