Showing posts with label campus assault. Show all posts
Showing posts with label campus assault. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Campus Sexual Assault Under Investigation

The pressure on colleges to step up prevention and handle sexual-assault cases more effectively has intensified since April 2011. That’s when the federal government signaled stricter enforcement of the gender-equity law Title IX, which compels colleges to resolve students’ reports of rape, whether or not the police are involved.

Click here to access the Chronicle of Higher Education's Title IX online database.

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Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Holtzclaw Case & Rape Culture on College Campuses

By Amalia Dache-Gerbino and Ifeyinwa Onyenekwu, Diverse Isuses in Higher Education

As Black women faculty who have watched and shared with students the 2015 film The Hunting Ground, which exposed rape culture and crimes on U.S. college campuses, we are appalled at the lack of attention the case of serial rapist Officer Daniel Holtzclaw has received by the national and higher education media. Officer Holtzclaw raped and assaulted 13 Black women who range in ages from 17 to 58 and received a 263-year sentence. As we rejoice on this verdict, we must ask: Is the rape of 13 Black women not a social justice issue? What does the Daniel Holtzclaw case tell us about racist, sexist silence on college campuses?

Read the story here.

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