Dear AAAA Members and Friends,
Please mark your calendars for the AAAA Access, Equity and Diversity Summit and Annual Meeting, June 30 – July 1, 2010. On-line registration will be available momentarily. We are excited about the plenary sessions and nationally recognized keynote speakers. Presenters have been carefully selected to ensure diverse, cutting edge information for attendees who represent every imaginable entity in employment, government, education and the private sector. As a member-driven association, the primary focus of our Summit and Pre-Conference Workshops is to provide attendees with valuable tools to use on the next assignment, case or review.
The need to continue the "fight" for equal opportunity and inclusion remains relevant, even as historically remarkable changes occur in American and global politics. This event is focused on empowering equal opportunity, diversity and affirmative action professionals by providing leadership, support and resources needed to achieve equity, access and opportunity in the workplace and in education. With the exciting city of Raleigh, North Carolina as the backdrop, the Access, Equity and Diversity Summit is predicted to be among the most power-packed conferences to date.
Hotel and Registration Information: Events will be held at the Raleigh Marriott City Center, 500 Fayetteville Street, Raleigh, NC 27601, P: 919-833-1120; F: 919-833-8912. Website:
You can make reservations in the group block by calling: 1-888-236-2427 and giving the group code AFF. You can also simply give the name of the group and the dates. As a third option, you can go online:, and under the “Special Rates & Rewards” tab, enter AFFAFFA into the group code box. This will enable you to make reservations online. Our special Summit rate is only $99.00 per night. Reservations must be made on or before May 31, 2010.
You can make reservations in the group block by calling: 1-888-236-2427 and giving the group code AFF. You can also simply give the name of the group and the dates. As a third option, you can go online:, and under the “Special Rates & Rewards” tab, enter AFFAFFA into the group code box. This will enable you to make reservations online. Our special Summit rate is only $99.00 per night. Reservations must be made on or before May 31, 2010.
Remember, one of our membership benefits is discounted conference registration; therefore, you must have a $0 membership balance in order to take advantage of this benefit. If you have not renewed and paid the balances owed on your membership prior to registration you will be required to pay the Non-Member fees.
Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact the national office toll-free at 800-252-8952. Looking forward to seeing you in Raleigh,
Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact the national office toll-free at 800-252-8952. Looking forward to seeing you in Raleigh,
ReNeƩ S. Dunman