Showing posts with label Purdue University. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Purdue University. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Purdue adds diversity to presidential search panel


11:52 PM, Oct. 26, 2011

The committee searching for Purdue University's next president has added a new member in response to criticism that it lacked diversity.
Mark J.T. Smith, dean of the Graduate School, recently became the 13th member of the presidential search committee. Last month, some faculty and staff signed a letter objecting that the original committee, which was all white, did not adequately represent the views or experiences of the entire campus.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Editorial: A diversity blind spot in Purdue search
Sep. 2, 2011

Purdue University had to see the complaints coming after assembling the team that is supposed to find the university's next president.
With 40,000 students and some 15,000 faculty and staff on the West Lafayette campus, there are more wants and wishes than there are chairs in any conference room or lecture hall. And whittling those constituencies into a dozen voices in charge of finding a leader who will touch every student, faculty and staff member in some way over the next five or so years was bound to bring up this fundamental question: What about me?

Full Editorial:

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Diverse Issues in Higher Education
by Lydia Lum , August 19, 2010

Dr. France Córdova is by no means the first college president to declare increasing the presence of women and minorities on campus as a top priority. Nor will Córdova be the last. However, several of her initiatives thus far suggest she is aggressively guiding Purdue University into a firmer embrace of diversity while building on its stellar reputation as a world-class engineering institution.

Full Story: