Showing posts with label NTAAD. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NTAAD. Show all posts

Saturday, September 29, 2007

National Take Affirmative Action Day

National Take Affirmative Action Day
October 9, 2007 - National Phone Briefing
April 8, 2008 - Nationwide Day of Action

For years, students have been working to advance and preserve equal opportunity and affirmative action policies on their campuses and in their communities. Following the rollback of some of these policies by ballot initiative in California, Washington state, and Michigan, and by litigation in other states, student action on this issue has never been more critical! Because of this, we invite you to join thousands of campuses across the country in taking action to preserve key programs for Women and People of Color in a two-part National Take Affirmative Action Day (NTAAD) beginning with an important national phone briefing and strategy discussion on October 9th, 2007, culminating in a nationwide day of action on April 08, 2008!

First envisioned by the United States Student Association in 2001, NTAAD is a day for students to demand that their college and university administrators defend and strengthen the programs that ensure an equal opportunity for all students: affirmative action programs! Since then NTAAD has grown exponentially with the co-sponsorship of the NAACP Youth & College Division and the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights Education Fund’s Student Activist Network. It is time to stand up and defend recruitment and retention programs and ensure that all people, regardless of race and gender, have equal access to Higher Education. Please join us on October 9th , at 8pm ET, for a national phone briefing and strategy discussion and find out more of what you can do to stop the anti affirmative action agenda!Please RSVP by October 2, 2007 to Scott Lu, Student of Color Campus Diversity Project Director of the U.S. Student Association at or 202.637.3924. The private dial-in number will then be circulated to those who rsvp. As long as institutional discrimination is present in institutions of higher education, National Take Affirmative Action Day will serve as a means for student of color activists to stand in solidarity and action for justice!

Start Date/Time
October 9, 2007 8:00 pm
End Date/Time
October 9, 2007 10:00 pm
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Affirmative Action