Red, Black and Blue
the Grio
By Sam Fulwood III
9:37 AM on 04/05/2012
For all intents and purposes, affirmative action is dead.
Case in point: A federal appeals court this week rejected a legal challenge in California to bring back race-based policies in student admissions at the University of California. By a 3-0 vote of the Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco, arguably the most liberal appeals court in the nation reaffirmed Proposition 209, a voter-endorsed ban on affirmative action.
Later this year, the Supreme Court will take up Fisher v. University of Texas, a case that challenges whether applicants' race can be used as a factor in granting admission in an effort to diversify the student body. And it's entirely possible the Court will rule against Texas, effectively sealing the coffin shut on affirmative action programs for colleges and universities.
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