Showing posts with label Beverly Daniel Tatum. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Beverly Daniel Tatum. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Diversity Symposium: Tatum on Conversations About Race

Swarthmore College
Daily Gazette
By BaLeigh Harper
April 10, 2012

While teaching the psychology of racism at University of California Santa Barbara, Dr. Beverly Daniel Tatum recognized a crucial gap in college curricula. Though she was teaching at a college level, Tatum realized that prior to taking her class, many of her students had not had a chance to talk about the impact of race and diversity on their lives.

With this knowledge, Tatum dedicated herself to race relations and education, becoming a renowned scholar, author and teacher. She shared her experiences last Thursday with a full audience of Swarthmore students, faculty and staff, as the keynote speaker for “Cultivating a Diverse and Inclusive Community: A Diversity Symposium at Swarthmore College.”

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