Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Kansas City Star Publishes AAAA Task Force Letter

On Friday, August 3, 2007, the Kansas City Star published AAAA's letter concerning the Missouri Civil Rights Initiative. The letter follows:

Missouri initiative wording
We would like to commend the secretary of state for her leadership in describing the Missouri Civil Rights Initiative in a way that clearly reflects the intent of the framers (7/28, Local, “Foes of racial quotas file suit; A group backing an anti-affirmative action initiative cries foul over ballot language”).
In California and Michigan, these ballot initiatives have misled the public into believing that their intent was to promote civil rights. In truth, the initiatives have had the opposite effect.
Affirmative action circumvents longstanding racial and gender-based preferences. It prevents discrimination based on race, ethnicity, gender, religion, disability and veterans’ status. The essence of affirmative action is opportunity; those who are qualified are the intended beneficiaries, both in employment, contracting and higher education.
Those who seek equity must do so with clean hands. This initiative should be described according to the intent of the authors and not cloaked in inflammatory and ambiguous language. The secretary of state’s truthful description of the initiative deserves our support.
Robert Ethridge
American Association for Affirmative
Action, Task Force on Equity in the States
Vice President, Equal Opportunity Programs
and Disability Services, Emory University
Washington, D.C.

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